Is Pine Good For Outdoor Use And How To Treat It?

Pine wood can be a good option that you can use in any activities and things like handcrafting, furniture, and many others. Several specific characteristics of pine wood, like smooth texture, color, and natural resistance against termites and other pests, make it a good option for multiple uses. But the question is if it is so good that it is possible to take it for outdoor use. 

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As you will see, there are several nuances in the outdoor use of pine wood. If you desire to discover all of them and improve your knowledge of pine wood, then this article was written for you.

Pinewood outdoors: things to consider

To answer the main question of the article which is “Is pine good for outdoor use?”, we have to look through several important facts and features of pine wood to use it for outdoor projects.

We must figure out what to expect of untreated pine wood in different conditions and situations.

So, let’s get started.

Pinewood and humidity

The most important question is how pine wood acts in different climate conditions. 

It is important to mention that pine wood generally is not resistant to moisture or water at all, it is a danger to the wood.

When it gets too much water during rain, it will decay fast, not to mention the growing mold in the wood. 

Unfortunately, in the conditions with high humidity and especially when you use pine wood connected to the ground the pine wood is not going to last long.

Most probably, it will rot quickly and you will have to replace this untreated pine wood.

The life span of untreated pine wood in outdoor furniture in these conditions is approximately three years. 

In the dry climate conditions, the situation is different, surely different. Pine wood for outdoor use will last much longer and the damage of rotting will be lower. 

Pinewood and the sun

When we speak of pine wood in the outdoors, it is important to consider the influence of the sun on the wood.

If pine wood outdoors is right under the sun or has a big connection with the sun, then the influence of the sun on the pine wood is going to be quite detrimental. 

In these conditions, the pine wood will lose its color and a good look, and will not last long with such intense sun exposure.

So, if you desire to use wood outdoors, it is crucial to take care of the influence of the sun.

So, as you can see, untreated wood faces a lot of dangerous things that can speed up the decay of the wood and make you replace it after a short period. 

That can make you conclude that wood is unsuitable for outdoor use and can make you think of alternatives. There are several good alternatives to pine wood for outdoor use. 

Alternatives of pine wood   

As it said, many other variants of wood species can be much more appropriate for outdoor furniture than pine wood.

Let’s take a closer look at several options of outdoor wood. 


Redwood is a good option especially in case if you live in a place with extreme weather conditions. Redwood has a natural resistance to many weather elements and resistance to pests.

So, it can be a perfect option to use. The only problem is the price since redwood is quite expensive. 


It is a very good variant for those who live in a place with a high level of humidity.

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It has a resistance to decay, so you may expect that the cypress will last long and you will have no problems with mold in the wood. 

Cedar wood

This versatile wood has a very good advantage; it has resistance to any insects and pests and at the same time to decay and high humidity, even if it is untreated.

So, you can easily use this kind of softwood instead of untreated pine outdoors.

But you should remember that it is not very strong and it is quite brittle, so you need to protect it from any cracks. 


Oak is another good alternative to wood that has its advantages. It is a very durable wood and it is resistant to extreme weather conditions.

That also means that the rotting process is going to be much slower with this wood. But it is worth mentioning the price of the hardwood is not low. 

Using of pine wood outdoors 

However, you can avoid purchasing new kinds of wood instead of wood if you just treat wood well.

There are methods to take care of the wood and make it last long and be the best option in the outdoors. 

You can do it easily and do not regret anything, for sure.

The wood for outdoor projects is a great choice. You can use it in multiple creative and useful projects.

For instance, you can use wood for fences, outdoor furniture, and decking.

You can also use it in other decorations, for example, picnic tables, garden beds, wooden decks, or comfortable chairs.

Outdoor pine wood is easy to work with this kind of wood and it has very lightweight, so the wood is quite useful and comfortable to work with. 

But there is a condition to consider.

To make the most from the outdoor pine wood, you have to treat wood, seal pine wood and use methods of maintenance outdoor pine furniture.

Otherwise, anything that is made of wood outdoors is going to decay very quickly. There are methods and practices for each of them.

Maintenance of pine wood

We will start with the maintenance of wood in the outdoors. Just several actions with pine furniture regularly can provide you with wood with a long life span.

That is why it is so important if you do not want to replace the wood quickly.

The most obvious thing to do is clean the wood regularly and carefully. You need to get rid of any dirt on the surface of the pine outdoors with a soft rug or brush using water and mild detergent.

You get to do it softly. 

Also, if you use non-treated wood you need to keep it dry, otherwise, it will be damaged by moisture eventually. 

Now you know that the influence of the sun may be detrimental, so you should shade the wood if it is possible. You can save the wood from more damage by doing this.

Then you need to check the pine outdoors for the signs of decay or mold regularly. If you notice anything like that, you need to treat it accordingly.

If you don’t remove it timely from the pine outdoors, then it will damage the wood more seriously. 

Another important thing to do is to weatherproof the pine for outdoor use. It is very important.

To do that, you just should apply a special sealant to the wood or use a protective finish. With this, the wood will be protected from moisture, UV rays, and pests. 

Speaking of any protective finishes or any sealant, you need to not forget to apply it from time to time to make sure that the wood will be resistant to any danger. 

So, as you can see, the least you can do is clean and take care of the quality of the wood regularly, and even with that, you will make it to keep it last longer. 

How to protect untreated wood: instructions

Now it is time to look through the detailed instructions of protecting the untreated wood from any dangerous and detrimental elements that the wood can face in the outdoors.

All of these actions to protect the wood are highly recommended.

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Otherwise, most probably you are going to replace the wood for outdoor use after a short period. 

So, there are several methods to use to protect the untreated wood for your outdoor projects. You should purchase all the needed tools and select the method that you like the most for your wood furniture.

The materials and tools that you need to treat the wood are sealer, stain, oil-based sealant, rags, brush, lacquer finish, and varnish. 

Use sealants

So, the first method is to use sealants to protect the wood. To do that, you need to prepare the lacquer, polyurethane, and varnish beforehand.

It is recommended to do in the following conditions: the place must be well-ventilated and the temperature must be medium, it must be room temperature. Not higher and not lower. You should pay attention to it. 

Firstly, you should sand the wood to prepare it for the whole process. Then you get to take the brush and apply the materials on the wood carefully.

Then you need to leave it for some time to let the materials get soaked into the surface of the wood. Once it is soaked, you need to reapply the materials on the wood’s surface. 

After that, you have to remove any extra trails of the materials with a rag and then let the wood dry for a day. Do not touch it until the wood is completely dry.

After that period, you have to light sand the wood with a fine-grit sandpaper. Then you get to apply the materials to the wood once again. And then you should let it dry again.

This process is going to provide you with well-treated wood that is resistant to moisture and pests. Then you should use it if you desire to get the wood that is going to last longer than three years and be sure that it will serve you well.

Pressure-treated pine

If you think that these actions to weatherproof the wood are not enough, then you can purchase the pressure-treated wood and do nothing with it by yourself.

The peculiarity of the pressure-treated pine is that it was treated with chemicals and under pressure. The pressure-treated pine that got through these processes is highly resistant to any pests and water damage.

But you should know that pressure-treated wood can be dangerous to your health since some kind of chemicals may be very toxic. 

But there is an advantage of the pressure-treated wood.

If you take good care of the pressure-treated pine wood, then the pressure-treated pine is going to last twenty years and it is the longest period that you can get with the untreated pine.

So, you definitely should consider it for your outdoor projects anyway. You should pick the option that can provide you with the wood that you can use for the long term. 

Use hand-rubbed oil finish

Another way to treat pine wood is by using a hand-rubbed oil finish. This method is an excellent way to defend the wood from decay and rotting and make it last long.

To treat untreated wood using this technique you have to follow the instructions.

First of all, you get to stir the oil finish carefully and make certain that you do it accurately. After that, you get to sand the wood by using sandpaper to get the perfect result. 

Then you get to take a brush and using that apply the finish on the wood. All the surface must be covered by the oil, make certain that it is like that. 

After these actions, the wood needs to soak all the liquid, so you should give it some time and wait for a while. When it is done, you can apply the oil to the wood once again.

Then you should not forget to get rid of the leftovers of the oil and then leave it for twenty-four hours to let it dry. When the time is up, you definitely should sand the wood again but without extra pressure and then apply the oil on the wood again.

And then you have to leave it for twenty-four hours again until the wood is completely dry. 

As you can see, this method definitely can take some time, but the result will be satisfying.

The treated pine wood can last up to ten years so these hours will save you a lot of time and money because you are not going to replace the wood after a very short time. 

In conclusion, treat pine well to use it for a long time

So, as you can see, everything with pine for outdoor use is quite easy. You either treat the wood carefully and provide the pine wood with maintenance regularly or you replace the wood after a short period, for example, after three years. 

And it can last much longer and you can make the most of the pine wood. All you should do is treat it with all care using the sealants or oil finish and take care of it regularly. Then everything will be great.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you weatherproof pine wood?

To weatherproof the pine wood, you should use special sealants, linseed oil, or, for instance, a protective finish. Or some wood preservative. You should choose what suits you best and then apply it on the wood, following instructions. 
You can weatherproof the pine wood using instructions. To put it briefly, you get to sand the wood with sandpaper, then apply the protective finish or a sealant on the wood and wait until the liquid is soaked by the pine wood.
Then you need to reapply the sealant or protective finish and get rid of any leftovers of the sealant or oil finish. After these actions, you need to let it dry. Once it is dried, the process is finished.

Can you use regular pine outside?

If regular pine means untreated pine, then the answer is yes. Still, you should provide the wood with maintenance regularly and treat it thoroughly with a sealant or a protective finish to make sure that it will be resistant to moisture, UV rays, and pests.
If the wood is not treated at all, then it will rot and decay in a very short term. Such a wood is going to last no longer than three years. So, you seriously need to consider treated wood instead of untreated.

What pine can be used outdoors?

You can use several wood species of pine wood. For instance, you can use the Southern Yellow Pine, which is one of the best options outdoors, because of the strength of the Southern Yellow Pine. And Yellow Pine is quite durable.
Another option is White Pine because this kind of wood is resistant to shrinking, splitting, and swelling. White Pine is durable. So, consider using the White Pine.
The Blue Pine wood with wood grain also can be used outdoors. But you should consider treating and providing the pine species with maintenance, no matter what kind of wood you choose. Because wood generally is not resistant to moisture, and moisture can be very dangerous to the wood.

Do you need to seal pine?

You definitely should seal the wood if it is outdoors because sealing wood generally helps it to last longer and stay strong and resistant to any kind of danger. After you seal the pine wood, the wood is going to be more durable and resistant to many kinds of weather conditions. So, sealing the pine is only going to bring you good and benefits. It is highly recommended. 

Craig Gordon

Welcome to the world of woodworking and the artistry of crafting your dream home from wood. I’m thrilled to be your guide on this journey of turning timber into cherished memories.

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