A Brief Guide On How To Seal Sharpie On Wood

How to seal Sharpie on wood? Sharpie is a world-known brand of permanent markers presented at the market by Sanford Ink Company in 1964. Since that time, this brand has gone a long successful way from the marker with alcohol-based marker to modern styles with 49 vibrant colours of ink.

Modern markers can be used for a variety of purposes and on almost all surfaces. However, there is one problem with the durability of your work performed by Sharpie markers. The matter is that the ink tends to fade and lose its color as time goes on, especially outdoors.

how to seal sharpie on wood
image credit: canva.com

To overcome this unpleasant but soluble problem, the professionals recommend sealing the Sharpie artwork. In our article, we’ve decided to discuss how to seal Sharpie on wood surfaces and consider the peculiarities of this process.

Options of sealing methods and materials for the Sharpie artwork

By the way, you can seal the surface of a Sharpie artwork using the materials at home. For example, ordinary colorless nail polish, Shellac, and epoxy resin can be used for this purpose though they don’t protect the surface for a long time.

Using Shellac as a sealant

The composition of Shellac resembles that of an ordinary nail polish gel cover. The product is based on the natural resin which was used as a wood sealant even in ancient centuries.

To minimize the UV impact, provide for using multiple sealants. You can use Shellac as an outer cover over the However, it is crucial to check its compatibility with your Sharpie.

Using epoxy resin as a sealant

The epoxy resin is a non-toxic and self-leveling product. This is a big plus. However, the technique of its application to Sharpie has a few peculiarities.

The surface should be strictly level. Provide adequate work space.

First, you need to mix resin with hardener in a 1:1 proportion and stir the mixture for about three minutes. The next step is pouring all mixture on the surface followed by gently spreading the sealant to cover the entire surface of the artwork.

We’ve decided to discuss this method not accidentally. The matter is that during a sealing process, a lot of air bubbles may appear on the sprayed surface. We’ve found one curious method of getting rid of bubbles suggested by one Sharpie painting lover. He advised using a micro torch.

This torch is extremely effective and gets all bubbles off the resin’s surface creating a glass-like finish.

Using commercial sealants

A huge variety of commercial sealants makes it possible to select the best fit. However, the sealants have different compositions, Therefore, it is strongly recommended to get acquainted with the content of labels on the sealant packages to select the best fit from different delivery methods and ensure optimal protection of your Sharpie painting.

The sealants offered by the market assume different delivery methods used to seal Sharpie ink on wood. The most popular and worth to be described are polyurethane varnish, transparent epoxy resin, acrylic sealant, shellac, and a specific type of Mod Podge.

Polyurethane varnish and acrylic lacquer to seal Sharpie ink

Polyurethane varnish is an easily applied and durable remedy used to provide optimal protection for your Sharpie painting. However, it is necessary to consider the base of Sharpie. With water-based Sharpie ink, it will be better to use oil-based polyurethane.

Another popular sealant is an acrylic lacquer. The abundance of acrylic sealants at the market can get you mixed up. Carefully study the content of the manufacturer’s instructions and labels attached to a product.

The Sharpie markers fade due to UV light impact. The best remedy to prevent the fading of Sharpie art resulting from its exposure to UV light is using the acrylic UV-protective sealant.

However, these sealants are intended to protect against UV, but they are weak helpers against the impact of snow, rain, or wind. So, using only UV-protective sealant scarcely be able to protect your Sharpie art outdoors.

Some artists suggest combining multiple sealants. This means supporting the layer of UV-protective sealer with the outer coat of another one dedicated to use in unfavorable weather conditions.

However, when improvising with combinations of sealants and methods, the compatibility of variables involved in the sealing process should be always taken into consideration.

Applying Mod Podge as a Sharpie sealant

Among the effective sealers, it is worth mentioning the Mod Podge though it is not intended specifically for sealing Sharpie works of art on wood. Mod Podge is a multipurpose product mainly used in decoupage craft. It can perform the functions of a glue, finish, and sealer.

As a sealer of the Sharpie works on the wood, only one type of Mod Podge can be used. When applying Mod Podge, pay special attention to the package. It shall be a white tub with a yellow label. The text on the Mod Podge package shall be written in red color. The labels of other colors don’t work well with Sharpie. Only the formula on the yellow label is compatible with Sharpie.

Sharpie is compatible with both gloss and matte finishes with due regard to the presence of yellow label and red text on the white tub of the Mod Podge.

If you select the Mod Podge to seal your wooden artwork, apply only very thin layers and let each layer dry for at least 24 hours. Though the Mod Podge in aerosol dries very quickly, it is better to spend more time than to ruin your artwork completely.

Some considerations concerning Sharpie colors

It’s been noted that the majority of varnishes are most suitable for sealing black Sharpies on the wood. However, some clear varnishes work well not only with the black Sharpies but with the ink of other colors, too.

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image credit: canva.com

Here it is important to take into consideration the composition of varnishes and, if you combine more than one type of sealant, the variables involved in the process.

Common requirements for the sealing Sharpie on wood

To prevent discoloring and prolong the lifespan of your wooden artwork, you should know how to seal Sharpie on wood.

The current market offers different sealants suitable for applying the Sharpie markers. The decision on how to seal Sharpie on wood depends on the quality and durability of the product and the expected location of the Sharpie work of art, that is, outdoor or indoor.

Before the sealing process. dry the painting made with Sharpie marker completely. In addition, when you make a decision on how to seal Sharpie on wood it is recommended to try it first. Apply a very thin layer of sealant and wait for its complete drying. If the result is satisfactory, you can be confident in the suitability of the method you choose.

When you use aerosol sealants, hold the spray not closer than 30 cm from the surface under sealing.

Never apply sealant on an uneven coat. This may cause to appearance of bubbles and bleeding.

The lighter varnishes should be selected to preserve the visibility of a Sharpie painting.

Final words

Sharpies have entered modern life becoming indispensable tools used for many purposes. One can say that new art has appeared based on using Sharpies for painting the unique beautiful pictures on the wood.

Our article is dedicated to such Sharpie lovers, especially for beginners.

After creating own artwork, any artist has a natural desire to preserve it.

With this article, we’ve attempted to help and give some pieces of advice to such artists.

Hope that we’ve managed to achieve this goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you seal Sharpie marker?

The first step is to select a sealing material. Different sealants can be used to seal over Sharpie markers on the wood surface.
Try the sealant on the invisible side of the wood to check the suitability of the selected sealant.
Before sealing it is necessary to make sure the Sharpie marker is completely dry. Ideally, it takes 24 hours.
The next step is applying a thin layer of sealant onto a surface. After drying the first layer, the outer coat of the sealing material is applied.

How do you stop Sharpie from bleeding on wood?

When you paint on the unfinished wood, some types of Sharpie ink can bleed. To stop bleeding it is recommended to cover the surface with the white Elmers glue or a colorless varnish and then leave it for sufficient time to dry completely.

How do you seal wood to write on?

Before writing on wood, it should be prepared properly.
First, process the surface using sandpaper, then clean it. Apply an even coat of suitable wood sealant. After complete drying of the surface repeat the procedure according to your desire and preference. However, to maintain good visibility, it is not recommended to apply too thick a layer of the sealant.

Can I varnish over permanent marker?

Yes, varnish can be applied over a permanent marker. However, there are some important things you should keep in mind.
Apply the lighter varnishes to maintain good visibility of your painting. Try a very thin layer first and let it completely dry before applying another layer. Apply varnish only on an even coat. The varnish on the uneven coat can cause the formation of bubbles and bleeds.

Craig Gordon

Welcome to the world of woodworking and the artistry of crafting your dream home from wood. I’m thrilled to be your guide on this journey of turning timber into cherished memories.

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